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PAC Chicken Sale

PHSS Annual FALL Chicken Sale!

It’s time to stock up your freezer with high quality delicious BC Grade “A” chicken and help raise money for the PENDER HARBOUR SECONDARY PAC.

Orders due no later than Monday, October 28th!!

Delivery date: Wednesday, November 6thPlease watch for email updates regarding pickup times (usually between 3pm – 5pm), as we cannot guarantee exact arrival time of the truck.  Chicken is well iced. Please bring plastic garbage bag or tote to protect your vehicle. If you can, please arrive with a copy of your order form. 

EMAIL orders to PHSS PAC and etransfer (Please comment your full name in etransfer comments).


DROP OFF order forms through the PH Community School mail slot on the door. Include cheque payable to PHSS PAC or note if etransfer. (Please comment your full name in etransfer comments).


If you are unable to email your order, please have it mailed by Wednesday, October 23 to ensure we have your order – MAIL orders to PHSS PAC Chicken Sale c/o PHSS 13639 SUNSHINE COAST HWY, Madeira Park, B.C. V0N 2H1 cheques payable to PHSS PAC or etransfer (Please comment your full name ).

Chicken Fundraiser Form

Thank you for supporting PENDER HARBOUR SECONDARY PAC!❤

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