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Student Code of Conduct

Code of conduct and discipline

Statement of Purpose: To establish and maintain a safe, caring and orderly environment for purposeful learning. We completed a Values and Needs Assessment at PHSS in order to make sure that the school’s vision is aligned with its Learning Community. Parents, Staff, and Students were provided opportunities to give feedback and thus our new school vision/values system was formed:

Pender Harbour Secondary School:

Caring, Communication

Accountability, Aspire




All discussions based around conduct of a learning community member will be framed through our School Lens: CARES


Guiding Principles

Under the BC Human Rights Code, individuals are protected from discrimination, denial of services or access by virtue of their race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, political belief, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, age (applies to persons 19 to 64 years of age) and unrelated criminal or summary convictions. Pender Harbour Secondary School’s Code of Conduct supports and aligns with the BC Human Rights Code, as well as School District 46 Regulation 2760 (Regulation 2760), which addresses sexual orientation and gender identity.

Pender Harbour is a school community that embraces restitution and restorative practices.

  • Disciplinary action will be preventive and restorative whenever possible, rather than merely punitive. Discipline is the act of teaching acceptable social behaviour. It is not just the elimination of inappropriate behaviour. It involves teaching an individual to choose behaviours that will enhance and empower them to coexist in culturally adaptive and healthy way.
  • Consequences will depend on the severity and frequency of the inappropriate behaviour as well as the age and maturity of the student.

 Effective consequences will:

  • Be a learning experience for the student involved. They should also be taught alternative appropriate behaviour to the situation and should be restorative in nature.
  • Have a positive influence on the learning environment in the classroom and the school. Consequences should be directed at the misbehaviour, not at the individual.  Discipline should not involve retaliation, confrontation, or humiliation.  All parties involved should feel that inappropriate behaviour has been promptly and justly dealt with.
  • Act as a deterrent for similar behaviour by impressionable students.
  • Consistent and fair responses to misbehaviour are a priority.
  • As often as possible, students will be involved in problem solving discussions with other students, staff members and/or parents in order to fix their mistakes and restore their sense of self.
  • Steps will be taken to prevent retaliation by a person against a student who has made a complaint of a breach of the code of conduct.

Be:  Caring, Courteous, Cooperative, Committed, and Conscientious

  • Treat others (staff, students, visitors) with courtesy and respect
  • Progressively assume responsibility and leadership roles
  • Take pride in individual achievements
  • Respect the personal property of others and their right to privacy
  • Ensure the safety of others and not bully, threaten, or physically harm anyone else

Certain behaviours such as bullying, harassment, intimidation, defiance, violence, and the use of illegal substances are totally unacceptable. Consequences for these actions may range from being sent home to an in-school or formal suspension.



All secondary schools on the Sunshine Coast follow the Guidelines for Suspension. The following behaviours may lead to a suspension:

Willful Disobedience:

            Any student not adhering to a reasonable request by any staff member will be sent home immediately and not permitted reentry until they have explained the refusal to act to the staff member involved, in the presence of a parent and administrator.


            Drug or alcohol or smoking or vaping involvement is defined as possessing, using, smelling of, or being with someone while they were using drugs or alcohol or smoking or vaping. 


Assault is defined as threatening or intimidating behaviour in addition to physical acts of violence towards a student, teacher, or other staff member. 

Weapons are defined (as per District Policy 6950) as:

  1. a) anything used or intended for use in causing death or injury to persons whether designed for that purpose or not;
  2. b) anything used or intended for use in threatening or intimidating any persons;
  3. c) anything else that, in the opinion of an administrative officer, is potentially dangerous in the hands of a particular student or in a specific situation. 

District Policy requires that all incidents involving drugs, alcohol, assault or weapons be reported to the RCMP.

Bullying and Harassment

Students and staff have the right to be in a school community that is free of bullying, intimidation, harassment, racism, sexism and homophobia. There is no place for these practices at Pender. Our goal is to build a community that fosters respect, inclusion, fairness and equity.



Regular attendance is extremely important. 


When requested, teachers will provide work for excused absences. However, experience and research indicate that attendance and student performance have a direct correlation. Students are responsible for making up the missed work within the given time frame or an “incomplete” may be assigned.

  1. If a student is absent due to curricular or extracurricular reasons:
  • students are expected to see teachers in advance of the absence, complete the field trip form and make arrangements for missed tests/quizzes/assignments.
  1. If a student is absent due to illness, injury, family crisis, funeral, medical or dental appointments:
  • parents are asked to contact the school by phone, note or email to alert the school.
  • students are to see teachers on the first day back to make arrangements for missed tests/quizzes/assignments.
  1. If a student must be absent for other reasons, please contact the school at the earliest possible date in order for teachers to prepare work or an alternate assignment.
  2. Students who wish to leave before the end of the school day must sign out at the office. The school takes the information about sign-in and sign-out very seriously, as it is an official record of a student’s whereabouts. Permission to sign out must be verified by someone in the office to ensure that a parent has given permission to the student to sign out.
  3. Students whose progress is affected by chronic absenteeism may have to justify their continued presence at the school. Poor attendance and unexcused absences will result in a parent meeting and possibly an alternate school setting.


Students whose absences are not excused by their parents or guardians are considered to be “skipping” school.

  1. Missed tests, quizzes, and marked in-class activities will result in an incomplete until they are made up as agreed to by the teacher and student.
  2. On the first occurrence of skipping, the teacher will warn the student and notify parents of consequences.
  3. Further occurrences of skipping may result in in a suspension or individual course reassignment.


Students are expected to arrive in class:

  • on time and prepared to participate positively.
  • with appropriate books and supplies.
  • with all prescribed homework and assignments completed.

Students who are late must sign in at the office:

  • Teachers will assign their own consequences for lates and notify parents if the situation is chronic.
  • Chronic tardiness will be referred to administration.

Medical Room

Students who become ill during the school day should sign out and go home if parental consent can be obtained. Students are to inform the teachers of classes that will be missed. If parents can’t be reached, junior students will be signed into the medical room. Senior students may be dismissed at office discretion.


Physical Education Class Exemptions

If you are well enough to come to school but have good reason not to participate in PE, a note from a parent or doctor is required for presentation to your PE teacher. You will be required to remain in the PE class and may be asked to participate as much as you are able. You may be required to make up the missed time.



Bicycles are not to be stored in the school. Skateboards and longboards should not to be used on school property.


Parents Please Note:

The school cannot provide direct supervision of students engaged in boarding – particularly off the school grounds.  If you allow your student to bring a board to school, it is your responsibility to:

  • Be sure that they have appropriate safety gear.
  • Let your teen know your expectations about riding along the busy highway.

Students Please Note:

If you board in an unsafe manner at, to or from school, you may be asked not to bring your board to school.


All members of the school community shall respect reasonable standards of appropriateness in dress.  Clothing is not appropriate if it becomes distracting in the learning and working situation.  Clothing bearing direct or indirect messages or graphics referring to drugs, including alcohol, cigarettes or e-cigarettes, or of a discriminatory, sexual, or violent nature, cannot be worn at school. The Administrator is given the authority to ask any member of the school community not respecting these guidelines to change into suitable clothing, provided by the office if necessary. 

Bottom Lines

PHSS maintains the following baseline behaviours:

  • Students must follow clear and reasonable requests by staff members.  Students who fail to do so will be considered to be in Direct Defiance of a staff member and will face consequences.
  • Students must attend classes on a regular basis. 
  • Students must not use or be under the influence or be in possession of drugs or alcohol or cigarette or vapes while at school or school-related events.  Failure to comply will result in an out of school suspension and will require a parent meeting.
  • Weapon possession or use while at school or during a school-related event will result in an indefinite suspension pending a parent meeting.
  • Bullying, cyber-bullying, harassment, intimidation, or physical violence will not be tolerated and will result in the student being sent home pending a parent meeting.
  • Use of tobacco products on school grounds is not permitted. 


When there is a breach of school Code of Conduct, school officials have the responsibility to advise the following:

  • Parents of offenders, victims
  • School district officials as required by school district policy
  • Police and/or other agencies, as required by law


Except for unusual circumstances and pre-approved by school administration, guests are not permitted during class time, as this can be disruptive to education. To bring a guest to a dance, permission from administration is required in advance. Students are responsible for all actions of their guests.


Gym Use

Running shoes with non-marking soles must be worn.  Jewelry should not be worn while engaging in gym activities.  Food or drink is not permitted in the gymnasium at any time.


Language appropriate in an office setting is what is appropriate here. Profanity is not acceptable.

Locks and Lockers

You are responsible for your locker and its contents at all times. Lockers must be kept locked when unattended with a school-approved combination lock. The combination must be registered at the office. Lockers remain the school’s property and for health and safety reasons may be opened by the school administration at any time.


Scent & Fragrances Policy

All schools in our District are designated scent-free zones.  Many people have severe allergies to scented products.  Parents and students are asked to refrain from wearing any scents at the school.


Bus Expectations and Procedures

Bus transportation is a privilege and ensuring a safe and pleasant ride for everyone is essential. The bus driver is fully in charge of their bus.


Cheating and Plagiarism

Academic conduct and in particular cheating and plagiarism are a part of our student code of conduct. 
When either has occurred, administration and parents will be informed and no marks will be awarded for the work involved.



Allergies and Medical Assistance

Many students and staff suffer from a range of serious allergies and medical concerns. It is essential that students with medical conditions that could require treatment at school provide up-to-date information to the school. See the office staff for a medical information form.

Sudden Illness While at School

Students who are ill are expected to report to the main office. They will be directed from there and parents will be informed if necessary.



If an earthquake occurs, it is important that you drop to the floor, take cover under something solid (like your desk) and take hold of your cover (so that it is not shaken away from you).


Fire Alarms

When the fire alarm rings, everyone must evacuate the building safely and quickly and move to the grass field at the back of the building.                                        


Lockdown protects staff and students from a threat inside or outside the building when it may be more dangerous to evacuate than to stay in a secured room. During a lockdown, you must stay in (or return immediately to) your room. The door will be locked and no one will be let in until an “all clear” notification. Stay away from windows and doors in lockdown.


Room Clear

If school staff need you to leave an area (classroom, gym, etc.) an order for room clear will be given. If this occurs, leave the room without delay.

Student Handbook Information


Our staff is committed to establishing the most positive learning environment possible. Good communication is a major part of that. If you have a private e-mail, please consider sharing it with us. Please download our School APP “MYPHSS” from the App Store or Google Play in order to stay up to date with our Calendar, Announcements, and any Push notifications for Parents, students, or sports teams and clubs. Likewise, regularly check our website ( as we strive to use this mode as a way to inform parents and students of up-coming event and student achievements.


Open Door

Feel free to attend parent evenings, call or email us. We’d love to chat with you.



X-block occurs twice a week, all year long.  The idea for this block came from the notion that students and teachers working together in areas of shared interest could be a powerful learning experience.  Each year students and teachers alike will be surveyed about their ideas for “high interest” electives – and we will seek to place likeminded teachers and students together to learn together.  Students will have the opportunity to select four X-Block courses (one per term) during the course of the school year. 


Involvement can make your school years far more pleasant and enjoyable. Don’t hold back – get fully involved in school life!

Extra-Curricular Athletic Teams

You are encouraged to participate in team sports to develop your skills and/or challenge yourself. Typically, we run school teams in volleyball, cross-country running, soccer, basketball, track & field, & golf.                                                                                                                                                                   

Intramural Sports

Throughout the year the school offers noon-hour sports activities. These may include floor hockey, soccer and others. These are a highlight for students at the school -get involved!



Grade 10 to 12 students can take a course called Leadership. Students in leadership earn graduation credit by helping to plan positive and spirit building activities for the school.


Scholarships and Bursaries

PHSS students are fortunate to live in a very generous community that provides graduates with bursaries and scholarships. Be sure to apply for scholarships and bursaries in your grade 12 year!


Incomplete Work

The staff of PHSS expects students to complete all assigned work, including homework, ungraded practice work, supplementary work etc. If you are failing a course or have any incomplete work your teacher may issue you an “I”. The “I” is a listing of the incomplete work that needs to be done. Students with an “I” are expected to develop a suitable plan for completing their “I”. All “I” work MUST be completed by the deadline and those who fail to do so will be referred to our School-Based-Team for further intervention.

 Withdrawal from a Course Course changes are routinely permitted until the end of the second week of each semester. Course changes and withdrawals may be permitted up until one week after the first interim report of a semester, provided that a suitable replacement course is available and the student has obtained the permission of his or her parent, the receiving teacher, the counselor, and an administrator. After this time withdrawals will normally not be permitted.

School growth plan

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